Wednesday, October 22, 2008


In 1748, Swedish botanist and anatomist, Carl Linnaeus published his taxonomic classification of all the plants and the animals of that period time. His classification was not based on evolutionary relationship but simply on resemblances. He divided all known forms of life between the plant and animal kingdom.Then in 1969, Robert H. Whittaker introduced the 5 kingdom system: monera, protista, plantae, fungi and animalia. Whittaker’s system recognized two fundamentally different levels of cell organization; prokaryotic and eukaryotic and both are under the kingdom monera. Eukaryotic can be divided into unicellular and multicellular. Then he distinguished three kingdoms of multicellular eukaryotes based partly on the types of nutrition; plantae, fungi and animalia. Plants are autotrophs that mean they produce their own food by photosynthesis. Fungi and animals are heterotrophs, they cannot do their own food. Protista consists of all unicellular eukaryotes that did not fit the definition of plants, fungi and animals. Some of them are multicellular too.

Biology Oxford Fajar


Mutation refers to any changes in the amount or arrangement of genes or nucleotide sequence of a DNA encoding the gene or chromosomes in a cell of an organism. It can take place in any cell of an organism. It may also produce a new characteristic that can be inherited, if it occurs in the gamete. It can also lead to the lost of the gene function or produce the new function. Most of these mutations are recognized as mutants because the phenotype (physical) of the organism has changed. Mutation can be classified as gene mutation and chromosomal mutation while the two types of mutation are spontaneous and induced mutation. The spontaneous mutation occurs naturally while the induced mutation is caused by mutagen such as chemical and radiation. Mutagens are substances or agents that can cause a much high rate of mutation. The process involved is mutagenesis. Mutagens have two types: physical mutagen like UV rays and X-rays, and chemical mutagen like mustard gas.

Biology Oxford Fajar

How to use a cat to attract a women?

Maybe this article must be a good news for the men and not for the women. It tell on how cats is used by the men to attract the women but if only he is a pet lover and not allergic with those furry creatures. Men who are going to take this tip in order to attract women should first know on how to take a good care and treat the cat properly. Then, you can go on with other step. How can this little creatures can help the men? Actually, women think men who love cats are sensitive, caring person and more nice than the one who hate cats. Cats is the female magnets. After that, ask the woman to have a dinner or whatever at your house. But first keep your house clean and tidy your cat nicely. So, hopefully all men can get their dreamy women after this.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How to introduce a dog to a cat?

Do you know cat lovers and dog lovers can be friend even the cat and the dog themself can do that. Here are some tips on how to introduce a dog to a cat.

First, put the cat and the dog in a room together.
Second, make first your dog obey to your instruction even with other distraction such as new cat.
Third, Keep your cat confined to one room and attract it with food and milk. Same goes to the dog. Then, try to get them more closer by placing their foods beside of each other.
Forth, put them together while they are sleeping in order to make them accustomed with each other's scent.
Lastly, the time come for the first controlled meeting. Always be on the side of your cat so that nothing bad happened to your small cat.
Whatever it is, you should take into account that they might fell uncomfortable with each other for the first time and you need to take care of the cat especially because commonly the dog must be bigger than the cat.

Albert Einstein

He was born in Ulm, in Wurttemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. He went to school at the Luitpold Gymnasium, in Munich. In 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained to be teacher in Physics and Mathematics. In 1901, it is the year he gained his diploma from Swiss citizenship and as he was enable to find the teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905, he obtained his doctor's degree. After years of teaching in various established universities in Europe, he immigrated to America in 1933 for political reasons and war pressure. He took up the position of of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton and retired in 1945. It was within those years that he had invented the historical momentum of human race; the atomic bomb - a disastrous invention that was used to destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. Much to his regret, his discovery had killed many lives and left the world to suffer.

Preparing to study

There are several things that we should take into account when we are going to study. There are 9 things.
  1. Is my study place available to me whenever I need it? Set a better place for your study. If you are going to share with others, you better make schedule.
  2. Is your study place free from interruption? Make yourself free from others. Make something that other people or things will not interrupe your study.
  3. Is my study place free from distraction? Research shows most students best study in quiet place. Although you find listening to the music will give better condition, but you still have to keep the volume is low.
  4. Does my study place contains all the study materials I need? Make sure all the things you need in order to study are complete and exist.
  5. Does my study place contain a large enough table or desk? This is important to make sure the table is able to hold everything you need.
  6. Does my study place have enough storage space? It is used to keep your study materials properly.
  7. Does my study place have a comfortable chair? The uncomfortable one will give pain to you and interrupe your study.
  8. Does my study place have enough light? It is the really important thing that we should alert because to study we used light to see clearly.
  9. Does my study place have a comfortable temperature? Choose the better condition for your study place in order to get the better concentration on your study.


It is a purification technique in which compounds with different boiling points can be separated by controlled heating. Vapors from the heated sample can be recondensed and collected, purer than the initial mixture. The liquid which has not vaporized is called the residue while the one which is collected in the receiver is called the distillate. There are various of distillation such as simple distillation, fractional distillation, steam distillation and vacuum distillation. Basically the distillation set up must have distillation flask, condenser with two tubes for the water in and out and the receiving flask which is used to collect the distillate.

Chemistry Laboratory Manual

Sunday, October 19, 2008

27 Dresses

Two things about Jane: she's never says no to her friends (she's been a bridesmaid 27 times and selflessly plans friends' weddings), and she's in love with her boss, George, dreaming of a lovely, romantic wedding of her own. She meets Kevin, a writer who finds her attractive, and that same week, her younger, beautiful sister Tess comes to town. Jane silently watches George fall in love with Tess, a manipulative pretender. Unfortunately, Jane may be asked to plan their wedding. Meanwhile, Kevin tries to get Jane's attention and has an idea that may advance his career. Then Kevin writes something about Jane, her career and her 27 great, beautiful dresses. But, Jane does not like it and get angry. Finally, Jane fall in love with Kevin and get marry.

Fruit & Veggie Power

Fruits and vegetables contain lots of antioxidants that can help protect our body from chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes but normally today's people always fail to eat them recommended 5-10 daily serving. So, here are some tips.

  1. Start the day with 2 serving such as 2 types of fruit with milk or yogurt.
  2. Be a part-time vegetarian.
  3. Shop the frozen fruits frequently so that at rush time you can have it easier.
  4. Salad to go, that means serve your leisure time with some salad.
  5. Experiment. The emporium will mostly change their types of fruits weakly, so take this chance to try different fruits weakly.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Down’s syndrome

A person with Down’s syndrome has three copies of chromosome 21, rather than the usual two. The ratio of this syndrome is about 1 in 800 live births. Individuals with Down’s syndrome usually have multiple physical malformations, mental retardation and relatively short lives. They typically have short, stocky bodies with thick hands and feet. They also commonly have broad, short heads with small low-set ears, small concave saddle-shaped or flattened nose, relatively large-ridged tongues that roll over a protruding lower lip, low muscle tone and loose joints.

Turner’s syndrome

Basically it occurs on female with only one X chromosome. Therefore the genotype is XO. This syndrome is relatively rare and it is about 1:2500 live births. Turner’s syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects girls and women. It is characterized by short stature, webbed neck and triangular face, lack of menstruation, undeveloped secondary sexual characteristics and infertility.

Klinefelter’s syndrome

It occurs when an individual, normally male, has two X and one Y chromosomes. The individual will have a relatively high-pitched voice, increased breast tissue and comparatively little facial and body hair. They are normally sterile or subfertile. Their testes and prostate glands are small therefore, they produce small amount of testosterone. They mostly overweight, have difficulties in learning and have short term memories. There is about 1 in 500 and 1 in 1000 male births.

XYY syndrome

The individual will have an extra copy of the Y chromosome. They are normally male and also called as “super-male”. During adolescence, they are often slender, have severe facial acne and poorly coordinated. They are usually fertile and lead ordinary lives as adults. As adult, they will grow above 6 feet tall and generally appear and act normal. However they produce high levels of testosterone. There is about 1 in 900 or 1 in 2000 male birth.

XXX syndrome

The individual will have three X chromosomes and is also called as “super-female”. They are usually an inch or so taller than average. They have long legs and slender torsos. Their sexual characteristics are normal but they may have slight learning difficulties and are usually in the lower range of normal intelligence. The frequency of birth is 1 in 1000 female infants and it occurs more commonly when the mother is older.

Biology Oxford Fajar

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Fresh Look at Bad Breath

Everyone has bad breath now and again. But there are many misconception about its causes and treatments.
  1. It's easy to tell if your breath smells. Actually, we cannot smell our own breath because we become accostomed to it.
  2. Bad breath comes from the stomach. In fact, it usually comes from the back of the mouth.
  3. Brushing teeth will eliminate bad breath. The problem often comes from bacteria deep within crevices on the back of the tongue that can't be reached with a toothbrush.
  4. Mouthwash can eliminate bad breath also. Usually mouthwash provides only temporary relief.

For the best act in avoid bad breath are to see dentist, have your teeth cleaned, drink plenty of liquids and don't let your mouth go dry. Then, when you brush, clean your tongue also especially at the back.

Reader's Digest

Another reason to breast-feed?

As we know breast milk is the ideal food for infants. Besides providing essential nutrients, it contains living cells, enzymes and antibodies that help protect babies against common childhood diseases. It might help prevent nearsightedness. A study by the National University of Singapore and National University Hospital of nearly 800 children aged 10 to 12 years found that those who were breast-fed had lower rates of myopia than kids who were not breast-fed. "Nevertheless, this finding should prompt mothers everywhere to think twice before considering feeding their babies anything other than breast milk"

Reader's Digest

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chocolate: the Bitter and the Sweet

Chocolate contains high antioxidants that help to protect the body from damage caused by pollution, pesticides, smoking, stress and processed foods. They also help to stay young. It's high in saturated fat, which is bad those at risk of heart disease. But now RMIT University, Melbourne, has found that the stearic acid in better-quality chocolate helps stop blood clots forming. Quality chocolate makes you happy and not just because it tastes good. Maybe because of the caffeine and the chemical serotonin. Chocolate is one of the causes of migraines also. The better the quality of chocolate, the less sugar is added in its making. There's no proof that chocolate causes pimples, but it is not beauty product. Chocolate is energy-dense so you don't have to eat much of it before you exceed your body's needs. If you consume more energy than your body uses, you will store the excess as fat.

Reader's Digest

Monday, September 22, 2008

Watch Out!!

Food labels often try to disguise the amout of fat, salt or sugar added to boost flavour of the food we buy. Some of them make had cheated in the ingredient sheet. Alert with these words to see what you are really putting into your body.
  • Fat - animal oil, beef fat, butter fat, copha, lard, milk solids, palm oil, tallow, shortening, vegetable oil.
  • Sugar - sucrose, caster sugar, dextrose, fructose, glucose, golden syrup, honey, lactose, malt, brown sugar, maltose, maple syrup, molasses, raw sugar.
  • Salt/Sodium - baking soda, celery salt, garlic salt, monosodium glutamate, rock salt, sodium bicarbonate

Reader's Digest

Friday, September 19, 2008

Why do future engineers need to study engineering ethics?

The Ford Pinto case which was about the ruptured fuel tank and burst into flame, has lead to the deaths of 3 teenage girls. The Pinto case is just one of the example of ethical problems faced by professional engineers. The work of engineers can affect public health and safety and also can influence business practices and even the politics. So, the goal of learning this subject is to sensitize the future engineers to the important ethical issues before they have confront them. It trains them to analyze complex problems and learn to resolve them in the most ethical manner.

Engineer & Society

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kids in the Kitchen

Cooking actually helps boost kids' cognitive and physical development. Here is what young chef can do and when:


They are learning to use the large muscles in their arms, so let them scrub produce an tear greens


To master hand control, let them mix batter, spread soft butter with plastic knife and knead dough

Four- to five-year-olds

Introduce them to manual equipment like juicers and eggs beaters and teach them how to use measuring cups

Six- to ten-year-olds

Cracking eggs and decorating the cakes. Actually they can do most intricate tasks that do not include dangerous equipment, like sharp knives

Reader's Digest

Wake Up, Work Out

Exercise is a healthy habit. But if you can't sleep, work out in the morning, say doctors at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre. In a study, morning exercisers had no sleep problems. But evening or night exercisers didn't sleep well. If you work out at night, try yoga. It doesn't seem to affect sleep.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yamaha T100s Trumpet

The Yamaha trumpet, Model T100s, is one the oldest musical instruments in the brass family. Basically, it is used in many forms of music and mostly had been played in the orchestra performance and also had been part of military purposes especially in marching soldiers. In many cultures, the sound of the trumpet functions as a signal, it means to carry a message or an instruction fron a person to the others, commonly in a great distance. This trumpet consists of cylindrical tube, primarily in oblong shape, has silver-plated body, 0.5 in. bore and 123 mm bell. It is actually a Bb key trumpet. There are three main parts: the mouthpiece, the body and the bell.

Witch Yu-hee

It is a romantic drama with many comical moments. A story about a career woman named Ma Yu-hee who seems to have everything she wants, and a young man named Chae Moo-ryong who hasn't given up his dreams and hopes to become a professional chef. Their love story begins when Moo-ryong decides to learn French fusion cooking and dreams to become the top chef.

Although Yu-hee is so much talented but her looks and actions do not attract any attention from men. Her love life is not exist at all, so she has a hope to fall in love one day but she doesn't know the basics of dating. Then Yu-hee comes up with dramatic plan to transform herself into an attractive, lovable woman with her love coach, Chae Moo-ryong.

With Moo-ryong coaching, Yu-hee changes her appearance from head to toe. She also learns on how to act politely so that she can attract men as she has always dreamed of. She changes until she learns what true love is all about. Finally, she finds her love is Chae Moo-ryong.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nail That Problem

Did you know that our fingernails can alert to our health problem? Here some dermatologist's says about some signs and remedies:
  1. Horizontal ridges. It is bacause you are lack of zinc so, take more multivitamin.
  2. Splits or chips. You may not get enough calcium.
  3. Curled up. You lack iron. Have a talk with your doctor about a blood test.
  4. Yellowish green. It may be a fungus. Keep your nails cleans and avoid from water. See the doctor also.
  5. Large blood vessels around the cuticle, and flat or two-toned nails. It could be signs of conditions such as lupus or kidney disease.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Massage Heals

Here are some popular massage techniques:
  • Swedish - performs long, gliding strokes using palm, lifts and kneads tissue and taps or drums in quick or choppy patterns. It helps to stimulate circulation and energy the body.
  • Reflexology - applied pressure to different points on the bare feet palpating and rubbing in circles with fingers and thumbs and pressing with palms. It relieves tension, improves circulation, can ease headache, panic attacks and digestive problems.
  • Shiatsu - gentle presses particular section of the body using palms, thumbs and fingers. It boosts energy, treats sporty injuries and neck pain, headache, constipation and menstrual pain.
  • Hot stones - flat, smooth stones of different size are heated in hot water and placed under or on the top of the body. The heat of the stone relieves muscle tension and increase circulation.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Michael Jackson - Earth Song lyrics

What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain...
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said were yours and mine
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying Earth, these weeping shores?

What have we done to the world
Look what we've done
What about about all the peace
That you pledge your only son...
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying earth, these weeping shores?

I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far

Hey, what about yesterday
What about the seas
The heavens are falling down
I can't even breathe
What about the bleeding Earth
Can't we feel it's wounds
What about nature's worth
It's our planet's womb
What about animals
We've turned kingdoms to dust
What about elephants
Have we lost thier trust
What about crying whales
We're ravaging the seas
What about forest trails
Burnt despite our pleas
What about the holy land
Torn apart by creed
What about the common man
Can't we set him free
What about children dying
Can't you hear them cry
Where did we go wrong
Someone tell me why
What about babies
What about the days
What about all their joy
What about the man
What about the crying man
What about Abraham
What about death again
Do we give a damn

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Happiness by Raymond Carver

So early it's still almost dark out.
I'm near the window with coffee,
and the usual early morning stuff
that passes for thought.

When I see the boy and his friend
walking up the road
to deliver the newspaper.

They wear caps and sweaters,
and one boy has a bag over his shoulder.
They are so happy
they aren't saying anything, these boys.

I think if they could,
they would take
each other's arm.
It's early in the morning,
and they are doing this thing together.

They come on, slowly.
The sky is taking on light,
though the moon still hangs pale over the water.

Such beauty that for a minute
death and ambition, even love,
doesn't enter into this.

Happiness. It comes on
unexpectedly. And goes beyond, really,
any early morning talk about it.

White Tea

4 types of white tea:
  1. Siver needle - the most popular and delightful to drink because it is made only of silvery white buds.
  2. White peony - posses the second grade of quality and taste, stronger taste and darker color because it is made of both buds and leaves.
  3. Long life eyebrow - have stronger flavor and is made of mixing naturally withered tios and upper leaves.
  4. Tribute eyebrow - posses the lower grade because it goes through more processes than silver needle and white peony had.

White tea is popular because its health benefits. It contains lots of antoxidant which can protectour body from free radicals that can damage DNA and accelerate aging. It also high in nutrients because it goes through minimal processing and low in caffeine which exactly not good for our body. Besides that, it helps to prevent from many types of cancer and also said that can lower our blood pressure and cholesterol level. In addition, it also helps to stronger our bones, teeth and gums, and healthy skin.


There are three types of friendships:
  • Casual friendship - This type of friend is actually ones that we will know only when we saw him/her because we can recognize him/her throught his/her faces by name
  • Acquaintance friendship - It is actually friend that we usually met in the part and we will greet him/her whenever we saw him/her
  • Close friendship - It is friend that always be beside us in both happiness and sadness and they usually know what is the best for us

In todays world, it is easy to make friend with everyone but it is hard to find a true friend!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

5 things for airline travel with pets

Sometimes it is safe to bring along our pets rather than leaving them at home lonely without no one takes a good care of it. But, keep in mind few things in order to take along our pets on airplane.
  1. Vaccination copies for the pets.
  2. Put your pets in a suitable place for it to move and make itself comfortable.
  3. Place Snugglekittie in its crate so that it will not feel bored.
  4. Make sure the collar of your pets have yuor name and phone number for some inportant purpose such as missing.
  5. Provide enough water and food during the flight.

All of these are important to make sure of your pets comfortability and safety. So, love your pets!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The human animal

Human beings is clasify as mammals. Didn't meant that we are monkeys, dogs or whatever but the thruth is human can behave similarly like the animal. If animal fights for control, mark out their territory, have sexual feeling and eat foods so do to human also. Human has evolved far beyond any other species but there are some human with stronger animal instinct than moral laws. That means human can do more terrible behaviours than animal can do such as doing sexual crime and killing. So as a good human we should act properly so that we are not going to be called like animal again. The different between human and animal is just the mind, human can think wisely than animal can do.

How do films and television programmes affect our lives? Are they beneficial or harmful?

Actually, there are many kinds of films and television programme that we could right now on our television. Some are beneficial and some can be consider as harmful to the viewers. Mostly the bad one will come with varity kinds of bad action such asa killing, murdering, negatives lifestyles and much more. The worst is when the viewers try to immitate what the actor or actress do in the films. It is alright when it is a good behaviour but not all of us will do that actually. Documentaries and education programmes are the example of the beneficial one. They give us better perspective of our world, teach us about responsibilities, customs and traditions of other people and many more. But actually it all depends on one self to choose the best programmes to watch.

150 English Essays (Minerva publications)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

5 Best Ways To Lose Weight

There are 5 ways that are recommended to loss weight.
  1. Practice a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to take the healthy foods and avoid the oily one. Do some exercises to keep fit and slim.
  2. Go to the gym. Spend time to have an aerobic and other kinds of exercise that help to tone up our body, give more strength and vitality and also help to increase our confidence.
  3. See the professional nutritionist and dietician to get some advices in losing weight.
  4. Get some friends to train with so that it will be more exciting and not too boring by doing on your own.
  5. Take more meals per day with less food at each meal.
Try it and you will see the results!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


This article is mainly about exercise. It said that firstly most athletes and fitness enthusiasts will do stretching followed with warm up as a method to prevent from getting injured in doing exercise and other kinds of sports. Different exercise will determine different types of warm up but the better warm up actually have two phases the general and the specific one. Actually warm up and stretching is to reduce stress and strain on body parts. But according to some researchers, stretching is the better one than warm up.

Beautiful girl_Sean Kingston

You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over
Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you suicidal, suicidal
When they say it's over

[Verse 1:]
See it started at the park
Used to chill at the dark
Oh when you took my heart
That's when we fell apart
Coz we both thought
That love lasts forever (lasts forever)
They say we're too young
To get ourselves sprung
Oh we didn't care
We made it very clear
And they also said
That we couldn't last together (last together)

See it's very define, girl
One of a kind
But you mush up my mind
You walk to get declined
Oh Lord...
My baby is driving me crazy


[Verse 2:]
It was back in '99
Watchin' movies all the time
Oh when I went away
For doin' my first crime
And I never thought
That we was gonna see each other (see each other)
And then I came out
Mami moved me down South
Oh I'm with my girl
Who I thought was my world
It came out to be
That she wasn't the girl for me (girl for me)

[Refrain and Chorus]

[Verse 3:]
Now we're fussin'
And now we're fightin'
Please tell me why
I'm feelin' slightin'
And I don't know
How to make it better (make it better)
You're datin' other guys
You're tellin' me lies
Oh I can't believe
What I'm seein' with my eyes
I'm losin' my mind
And I don't think it's clever (think it's clever)

You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal, suicidal...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Girl

This is romantic and comedy drama. Ju Yoo-rin is an imposter proficient in English, Chinese and Japanese. Soel Gong Chan is the second generation heir of a big corporation. Because of his grandfather's illness, he is forced to ask Yoo-rin to be his long-lost cousin so that his grandfather's last wish could be fulfilled. So that is why, they both are bound in a lie that no one in the family know the truth. Kim Sae Hyun grew up in a rich family and dreams to become a tennis star with the nickname "Sharapova of Korea". Her charm and intelligent attract many men. She and Yoo-rin had involved in a cutthroat competitions in order to get Gong Chan's love. Seo Jeong-woo will fall in love also with Yoo-rin and finally learn to love that special someone.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Full House

It is a story about love and heartbreak, sadness and self-preservation. A naive, cheerful writer, Han Ji Eun is swindled out of everything she owns. Not by strangers, but her best friends. Stranded in another country, she is determined to get home with the help of an actor, Lee Young Jae, only to find that all which is precious to her has been sold. In an attempt to get his possessions back, she has entered in a contract marriage with Young Jae. Nothing serious happen until feelings start to develop. Everyone aroud them try to test their love, including his grandmother. Luckily, Ji Eun manages to be humorous and endearing- even when her heart is breaking.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Listen to your heart

In fact, we most likely do not thinkabout our heart at all unless there could be a problem with it. Cardiovascular disease is the number one category of killers in the world. So, we should learn how to keep our heart healthy. Heart diseases are not only caused by one factor but by seceral factors actually. Smoking, which in itself increases a person's risk of heart attack, also tends to lead to high blood pressure and then contribute to have heart disease. Fortunately, the majority of these risk factors such as high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, lack of exercise and stress can be reduced by making changes to our lifestyle. While most of the risk factors can be managed, there are others such as a person's age, gender and family history with cardiovascular diseases that cannot be managed. Nonetheless, we can certainly make the decision to eat healthily. Following a healthy diet can reduce our risks of developing heart diseases and increase our chances of survival after a heart attack. Don't forget to make more exercises that can help in it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGM)

IGM is similar to the diabetes but in a milder form. The person who suffer for this disease will have a reduced ability to regulate sugar levels in their blood. IGM is common among those who are overweight, who have history of heart disease or stroke, who have high blood pressure. Being Asian man and getting older increases the risk to have this disease. It is diagnosed with an oral glucose tolerance test. Someone with IGM will get higher level of glucose over long period of time. IGM can't be treated directly. The sufferers are encourage to increase their physical activities, achieve a healthy weight and follow a healthy, balanced diet. Drugs can help slow IGM's development into diabetes.

Reader's Digest

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Only 12 but Victoria has written eight books

It's about a girl, Victoria Siaw Wei Yah, had written 8 children's books although she is only 12 years old..Her attitude had motivated me that doing something depends on the spirit in order to do what they want although it seems impossible..We need to sacrifice a little to make sure we achieve our target..See, how this young girl had done a good thing in her life..So, wake up and do something!

The Star Online