Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Fresh Look at Bad Breath

Everyone has bad breath now and again. But there are many misconception about its causes and treatments.
  1. It's easy to tell if your breath smells. Actually, we cannot smell our own breath because we become accostomed to it.
  2. Bad breath comes from the stomach. In fact, it usually comes from the back of the mouth.
  3. Brushing teeth will eliminate bad breath. The problem often comes from bacteria deep within crevices on the back of the tongue that can't be reached with a toothbrush.
  4. Mouthwash can eliminate bad breath also. Usually mouthwash provides only temporary relief.

For the best act in avoid bad breath are to see dentist, have your teeth cleaned, drink plenty of liquids and don't let your mouth go dry. Then, when you brush, clean your tongue also especially at the back.

Reader's Digest

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