Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Fresh Look at Bad Breath

Everyone has bad breath now and again. But there are many misconception about its causes and treatments.
  1. It's easy to tell if your breath smells. Actually, we cannot smell our own breath because we become accostomed to it.
  2. Bad breath comes from the stomach. In fact, it usually comes from the back of the mouth.
  3. Brushing teeth will eliminate bad breath. The problem often comes from bacteria deep within crevices on the back of the tongue that can't be reached with a toothbrush.
  4. Mouthwash can eliminate bad breath also. Usually mouthwash provides only temporary relief.

For the best act in avoid bad breath are to see dentist, have your teeth cleaned, drink plenty of liquids and don't let your mouth go dry. Then, when you brush, clean your tongue also especially at the back.

Reader's Digest

Another reason to breast-feed?

As we know breast milk is the ideal food for infants. Besides providing essential nutrients, it contains living cells, enzymes and antibodies that help protect babies against common childhood diseases. It might help prevent nearsightedness. A study by the National University of Singapore and National University Hospital of nearly 800 children aged 10 to 12 years found that those who were breast-fed had lower rates of myopia than kids who were not breast-fed. "Nevertheless, this finding should prompt mothers everywhere to think twice before considering feeding their babies anything other than breast milk"

Reader's Digest

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chocolate: the Bitter and the Sweet

Chocolate contains high antioxidants that help to protect the body from damage caused by pollution, pesticides, smoking, stress and processed foods. They also help to stay young. It's high in saturated fat, which is bad those at risk of heart disease. But now RMIT University, Melbourne, has found that the stearic acid in better-quality chocolate helps stop blood clots forming. Quality chocolate makes you happy and not just because it tastes good. Maybe because of the caffeine and the chemical serotonin. Chocolate is one of the causes of migraines also. The better the quality of chocolate, the less sugar is added in its making. There's no proof that chocolate causes pimples, but it is not beauty product. Chocolate is energy-dense so you don't have to eat much of it before you exceed your body's needs. If you consume more energy than your body uses, you will store the excess as fat.

Reader's Digest

Monday, September 22, 2008

Watch Out!!

Food labels often try to disguise the amout of fat, salt or sugar added to boost flavour of the food we buy. Some of them make had cheated in the ingredient sheet. Alert with these words to see what you are really putting into your body.
  • Fat - animal oil, beef fat, butter fat, copha, lard, milk solids, palm oil, tallow, shortening, vegetable oil.
  • Sugar - sucrose, caster sugar, dextrose, fructose, glucose, golden syrup, honey, lactose, malt, brown sugar, maltose, maple syrup, molasses, raw sugar.
  • Salt/Sodium - baking soda, celery salt, garlic salt, monosodium glutamate, rock salt, sodium bicarbonate

Reader's Digest

Friday, September 19, 2008

Why do future engineers need to study engineering ethics?

The Ford Pinto case which was about the ruptured fuel tank and burst into flame, has lead to the deaths of 3 teenage girls. The Pinto case is just one of the example of ethical problems faced by professional engineers. The work of engineers can affect public health and safety and also can influence business practices and even the politics. So, the goal of learning this subject is to sensitize the future engineers to the important ethical issues before they have confront them. It trains them to analyze complex problems and learn to resolve them in the most ethical manner.

Engineer & Society

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kids in the Kitchen

Cooking actually helps boost kids' cognitive and physical development. Here is what young chef can do and when:


They are learning to use the large muscles in their arms, so let them scrub produce an tear greens


To master hand control, let them mix batter, spread soft butter with plastic knife and knead dough

Four- to five-year-olds

Introduce them to manual equipment like juicers and eggs beaters and teach them how to use measuring cups

Six- to ten-year-olds

Cracking eggs and decorating the cakes. Actually they can do most intricate tasks that do not include dangerous equipment, like sharp knives

Reader's Digest

Wake Up, Work Out

Exercise is a healthy habit. But if you can't sleep, work out in the morning, say doctors at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre. In a study, morning exercisers had no sleep problems. But evening or night exercisers didn't sleep well. If you work out at night, try yoga. It doesn't seem to affect sleep.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yamaha T100s Trumpet

The Yamaha trumpet, Model T100s, is one the oldest musical instruments in the brass family. Basically, it is used in many forms of music and mostly had been played in the orchestra performance and also had been part of military purposes especially in marching soldiers. In many cultures, the sound of the trumpet functions as a signal, it means to carry a message or an instruction fron a person to the others, commonly in a great distance. This trumpet consists of cylindrical tube, primarily in oblong shape, has silver-plated body, 0.5 in. bore and 123 mm bell. It is actually a Bb key trumpet. There are three main parts: the mouthpiece, the body and the bell.

Witch Yu-hee

It is a romantic drama with many comical moments. A story about a career woman named Ma Yu-hee who seems to have everything she wants, and a young man named Chae Moo-ryong who hasn't given up his dreams and hopes to become a professional chef. Their love story begins when Moo-ryong decides to learn French fusion cooking and dreams to become the top chef.

Although Yu-hee is so much talented but her looks and actions do not attract any attention from men. Her love life is not exist at all, so she has a hope to fall in love one day but she doesn't know the basics of dating. Then Yu-hee comes up with dramatic plan to transform herself into an attractive, lovable woman with her love coach, Chae Moo-ryong.

With Moo-ryong coaching, Yu-hee changes her appearance from head to toe. She also learns on how to act politely so that she can attract men as she has always dreamed of. She changes until she learns what true love is all about. Finally, she finds her love is Chae Moo-ryong.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nail That Problem

Did you know that our fingernails can alert to our health problem? Here some dermatologist's says about some signs and remedies:
  1. Horizontal ridges. It is bacause you are lack of zinc so, take more multivitamin.
  2. Splits or chips. You may not get enough calcium.
  3. Curled up. You lack iron. Have a talk with your doctor about a blood test.
  4. Yellowish green. It may be a fungus. Keep your nails cleans and avoid from water. See the doctor also.
  5. Large blood vessels around the cuticle, and flat or two-toned nails. It could be signs of conditions such as lupus or kidney disease.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Massage Heals

Here are some popular massage techniques:
  • Swedish - performs long, gliding strokes using palm, lifts and kneads tissue and taps or drums in quick or choppy patterns. It helps to stimulate circulation and energy the body.
  • Reflexology - applied pressure to different points on the bare feet palpating and rubbing in circles with fingers and thumbs and pressing with palms. It relieves tension, improves circulation, can ease headache, panic attacks and digestive problems.
  • Shiatsu - gentle presses particular section of the body using palms, thumbs and fingers. It boosts energy, treats sporty injuries and neck pain, headache, constipation and menstrual pain.
  • Hot stones - flat, smooth stones of different size are heated in hot water and placed under or on the top of the body. The heat of the stone relieves muscle tension and increase circulation.